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close up of man laughing hysterically

People are turning to a number of stress-reducers to cope with the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic. Some people have taken up a hobby while others are turning to the Sloto Cash casino for some light-hearted gaming entertainment. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime are reporting record number of subscriptions as people pay to bring movies and TV shows into their homes.

the words Life Hacks written out on a black chalkboard

Years ago, home economics was taught to girls in most junior high and high schools. In addition to teaching sewing, cooking and other household tasks, the home economics classes were designed to prepare the girls to become efficient homemakers. Teachers often imparted little “hints” that would help the girls run successful households in the coming years. 

shopping bag full of groceries with more groceries on the table around the bag

Most consumers don’t want to see their money go to waste.  Yet research shows that  grocery shoppers tend to buy more than they need. What happens to the extra groceries? Some groceries can sit on your shelf for months and suffer no bad effects. But other food products spoil if they aren’t used within a specified amount of time.